The Snodgrass journey...


This is the Snodgrass' journey of adoption. By God's grace, we step out in faith to "add" to our family and "minus 1" orphan.

Well, it WAS "minus 1" orphan, but now it is "MINUS 2" ORPHANS!!!

"He predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will.” ~Ephesians 1:5

Thursday, November 1, 2012

It's November 1st...

...which is Adoption Awareness Month!

This was divine timing to kick off our campaign to tell the masses about our adoption journey.

November 1st - November 3rd, a number of family & friends are copying & pasting my posts on Facebook. Each day, there will be a different, yet startling fact about orphans & foster care.

November is Adoption Awareness Month...
Do you know how GREAT the need is?
It is estimated that 17.8 MILLION children are orphans (no mother or father)!

EVERY 18 SECONDS, another child becomes an orphan (without a father or mother). And at any given time, there are over 500,000 children in US foster care alone.

EVERY 2.2 SECONDS another orphan “ages out” (gets too old & must leave the program), with no family and no place to call ‘home’. Ever.

On Sunday, November 4th (which is Orphan Sunday), we will post about US! And ask others to journey/partner with us!

Help make a difference. The Snodgrass Family is on a journey to welcome a child from Ghana to their forever home. Skip out on just 1 Starbucks trip and contribute to Minus 1 Orphan. Visit to donate just $5 and learn more about the Snodgrass' adoption story. 

Like our FB page: Minus1Orphan Facebook Page!

I have to admit, I love looking on FB and seeing so many peeps re-posting. Even a couple that I didn't actually ask. The fact is, the need is GREAT! So, while we are wanting to spread the word about us, we SO want to spread the word about God's calling in ALL of our lives to look after the orphans. I have repeated this statement many times and will probably continue to for the rest of my life...

"We may not all be called to adopt, but we are ALL called to care for the least of these!"

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