The Snodgrass journey...


This is the Snodgrass' journey of adoption. By God's grace, we step out in faith to "add" to our family and "minus 1" orphan.

Well, it WAS "minus 1" orphan, but now it is "MINUS 2" ORPHANS!!!

"He predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will.” ~Ephesians 1:5

Monday, November 26, 2012

Rejoice always...

...pray without ceasing, give thanks in ALL circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. ~1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

There is MUCH to be thankful for right now. We enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving with our family in Nashville, TN. On the long drive home, which happened to be longer than usual due to some lovely construction going on a holiday weekend (are you kidding me???), we had some time to talk.

Adoption talk, that is. We pondered on if Thanksgiving next year would include another little one in our family? What would he/she look like? How would that be? We frequently ask Adeline if she would like a brother or sister and it is always fun to hear her answers. Lately, she has been talking a whole lot about a 'sister'. So, I don't know if she knows something we don't, but who knows... ;) Then, there are times she says she wants a brother AND a sister! Wowza... But, as we have said from the get-go, we are open to that if the opportunity presents itself.

At present, we have a rough draft of our Home Study completed. Waiting on one document and a review by our facilitator, Anita, and then we will be done. Again, fingers crossed by end of year!

Our family is thankful ~ we took turns saying what we were thankful for on the way home too. Health, each other, our faith. The Lord has been gracious to us, but we know life has it's ups & downs. We know there will be times where it will be hard to always give thanks...even in this adoption journey, but nonetheless, that is what we are called to do. ALL circumstances...

And last, but certainly, not least, we are so very thankful for the little one or ones that will come to be a part of our forever family. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

2 Homestudy Visits Completed...

Our social worker from AdoptKids, Inc. was in town this past weekend to do our home visits for the Home Study.

Both Friday night and Sunday afternoon were occupied for this time. Questions, paperwork, walk through of home, more questions, more questions, more questions. You get the picture, right? ;)

Honestly, Scott and I are both thankful for this process. Adoption IS a BIG deal. And those adopting, MUST take it seriously! We live in a crazy world and we are thankful additional steps are taken to ensure these children (orphans) are being adopted by parents who are adequate, who will care for them. No, nothing is perfect, but these steps are definitely helpful nonetheless.

Heather, the social worker, was a very friendly woman. Currently living in Washington state with her husband and children. They, too, have adopted. There's something comforting there. To be on common ground, per se.

Her husband is actually from Togo. This is a neighboring country to Ghana! Yes, small world we live in indeed! So, she is very familiar with the area there. Again, something comforting about that and working with her.

God works in mysterious ways. The way he orchestrates the paths we take in our lives is mind boggling and incredibly fascinating at the same time.

A couple more pending documents and Heather will be able to write up & complete our Home Study. The end is near in sight (for this part of the process, that is). :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

God is so good...

...and we feel so unworthy...

Yet, so incredibly blessed at the same time.

Through a strange twist of events that occured over this past week, we found out someone we knew from our church grew up where Scott grew up (good ole' Jefferson City). The crazy thing is, this woman was the sister of a man that Scott knew and hasn't seen in probably 20 years. She shared our adoptoin journey with her brother and he donated $500. Just.Like.That. We are so very humbled by his generous donation.

I am certain this won't be the last, but we continue to be amazed all the time of God's goodness in our lives.

We have a specific account set up for the adoption only. To date, we have raised a little over $3,000! We have had some misc. expenses here and there for copies of birth certificates, etc., but nothing we have had to use from the account yet. Trying to hold off on that as long as possible! We know there are much bigger expenses to come.

Speaking of...

Tomorrow will be our first home visit from the social worker who is conducting our Homestudy. Wish us luck. Actually, say a prayer that goes smoothly (prayer is far more powerful than luck!). I have a peace about it and am actually looking forward to the meetings. We will have another on Sunday.

And we continue to put one foot in front of the other...

Thursday, November 8, 2012

In awe...

We launched our video this past Sunday, which happened to be Orphan Sunday. Jon, from our church, who works at Hurricane Bobbie Productions, was able to do some terrific editing and turn our 'craziness' into something very beautiful. Check it out if you haven't yet:

Snodgrass Adoption Video

Since then, we have already been amazed ~ amazed watching God bless us with several who have already given donations to Minus1Orphan! And many others who have locked arms to partner in prayer!

Just a couple days ago, I went to the bank to deposit checks we had received thus far. Sitting there waiting, the thought came to me...

I was depositing $1,250 in checks. A week from tomorrow, we have to pay for our Homestudy. The cost you ask? $1,250. Coincidence??? I think not. God is good. He provides in ways we least expect sometimes. Old friends and new friends ~ all hearing about our story and doing what is on their hearts to help. I love seeing others reach out.

It is humbling to ask others to partner with you, to ask for support...not just prayerfully, but financially. That is not something we (Scott & I) have ever done before. Although we plan to use a large portion of our own savings for this adoption, we ask for others to help any way they can. The expense is large. Approximately $30,000. Seems crazy, I know. But it is the truth. One gave $10 and said they wished it could be more. Me? I was humbled again and said EVERY penny counts. It's the giving hearts - no matter the amount - that brings tears of joy to my eyes. Yes, even as I write this now.

And there are many others who have committed to give soon.

We are so thankful. Humbled. Blessed.

Friday, November 2, 2012

We got our first donation!!!

My heart is full. My heart is full. Did I say my heart is full???

On the letter we sent out to everyone, we broke it down to 80 donations of $250. That would get us where we need to be for all adoption costs (including the $10,000 we have saved ourselves).

Today, we got our first check of $250 from a wonderful couple who are very much like family to us. I won't put their names out here, but if they read this, they might remember the day they came to my office to drop something off and to my surprise, wrote us a check for the adoption. Thank you SO very much!!!

God continues to move in BIG ways. Why should I be surprised? He IS God afterall. But, my tiny human mind still gets amazed from time to time. But, the amazement has been a really good thing. We need to be reminded of what He is capable of doing.

Just last night, I received some really good news. Some news I will share at a later date. The news comes with a lot of excitement and a bit of fear...similar to the adoption process...excitement of what will come, but also a fear of the unknown. Fear that isn't overwhelming me, but is there. My dear husband reminded me, like he so often does...

The details are not always aligned with steps A-Z known from the get-go. If life was like this, we could and would work things out for ourselves, we would not need God. We have to let God work in His way. Always knowing how everything will work out, leaves no room for God. We must step back and let God lead the way. He is guiding us every step of the way...

Thankful for a husband who always points our family right back to the CROSS.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

It's November 1st...

...which is Adoption Awareness Month!

This was divine timing to kick off our campaign to tell the masses about our adoption journey.

November 1st - November 3rd, a number of family & friends are copying & pasting my posts on Facebook. Each day, there will be a different, yet startling fact about orphans & foster care.

November is Adoption Awareness Month...
Do you know how GREAT the need is?
It is estimated that 17.8 MILLION children are orphans (no mother or father)!

EVERY 18 SECONDS, another child becomes an orphan (without a father or mother). And at any given time, there are over 500,000 children in US foster care alone.

EVERY 2.2 SECONDS another orphan “ages out” (gets too old & must leave the program), with no family and no place to call ‘home’. Ever.

On Sunday, November 4th (which is Orphan Sunday), we will post about US! And ask others to journey/partner with us!

Help make a difference. The Snodgrass Family is on a journey to welcome a child from Ghana to their forever home. Skip out on just 1 Starbucks trip and contribute to Minus 1 Orphan. Visit to donate just $5 and learn more about the Snodgrass' adoption story. 

Like our FB page: Minus1Orphan Facebook Page!

I have to admit, I love looking on FB and seeing so many peeps re-posting. Even a couple that I didn't actually ask. The fact is, the need is GREAT! So, while we are wanting to spread the word about us, we SO want to spread the word about God's calling in ALL of our lives to look after the orphans. I have repeated this statement many times and will probably continue to for the rest of my life...

"We may not all be called to adopt, but we are ALL called to care for the least of these!"