The Snodgrass journey...


This is the Snodgrass' journey of adoption. By God's grace, we step out in faith to "add" to our family and "minus 1" orphan.

Well, it WAS "minus 1" orphan, but now it is "MINUS 2" ORPHANS!!!

"He predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will.” ~Ephesians 1:5

Thursday, November 8, 2012

In awe...

We launched our video this past Sunday, which happened to be Orphan Sunday. Jon, from our church, who works at Hurricane Bobbie Productions, was able to do some terrific editing and turn our 'craziness' into something very beautiful. Check it out if you haven't yet:

Snodgrass Adoption Video

Since then, we have already been amazed ~ amazed watching God bless us with several who have already given donations to Minus1Orphan! And many others who have locked arms to partner in prayer!

Just a couple days ago, I went to the bank to deposit checks we had received thus far. Sitting there waiting, the thought came to me...

I was depositing $1,250 in checks. A week from tomorrow, we have to pay for our Homestudy. The cost you ask? $1,250. Coincidence??? I think not. God is good. He provides in ways we least expect sometimes. Old friends and new friends ~ all hearing about our story and doing what is on their hearts to help. I love seeing others reach out.

It is humbling to ask others to partner with you, to ask for support...not just prayerfully, but financially. That is not something we (Scott & I) have ever done before. Although we plan to use a large portion of our own savings for this adoption, we ask for others to help any way they can. The expense is large. Approximately $30,000. Seems crazy, I know. But it is the truth. One gave $10 and said they wished it could be more. Me? I was humbled again and said EVERY penny counts. It's the giving hearts - no matter the amount - that brings tears of joy to my eyes. Yes, even as I write this now.

And there are many others who have committed to give soon.

We are so thankful. Humbled. Blessed.

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