The Snodgrass journey...


This is the Snodgrass' journey of adoption. By God's grace, we step out in faith to "add" to our family and "minus 1" orphan.

Well, it WAS "minus 1" orphan, but now it is "MINUS 2" ORPHANS!!!

"He predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will.” ~Ephesians 1:5

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Homestudy Renewal...almost done.

We had our home study visit by the social worker this past week. The interview went well. Routine questions, just like I recalled from the last time. Giving her copies of LOTS of paperwork. Oh, and of course the check for the fees. Now we wait for the "official" update in the mail and will be good to go. Well, for another 12 months, that is.

She asked about our wait and how we were handling it. Interesting, as we were asked this same question from a couple we hung out with this past Friday eve. Some people ask this question rather flippantly. As almost to ask because that is what one would ask. I don't like to give an honest answer typically as my words seem to get lost in the air between my mouth and their ears. So I keep it short and sweet and just say it's part of the process. The social worker and our friends this weekend asked in a much different tone. It was heart-felt. They truly wanted to know. They listened intently to what we had to share.

It was somewhat refreshing, I would have to say. So, how do we wait???

Scott is able to handle the wait a little easier due to the shear fact that we do not have a referral yet. While he doesn't understand why we wait, a referral would be so much more difficult to endure. To have a face of a child in a picture ... he admitted he would want to take control of the situation.

I guess I agree with that to a degree. But, a part of me DOES have a hard time enduring, even without a referral. I told our friends that I try to put it out of sight, out of mind. If I don't think about it, it doesn't bother me as much. But during this conversation, I began to realize that my pushing it to the back of my head wasn't for my good. IF God is who He says He is, then I should be able to give my pain to Him and He will set me free from this state of numbness (for lack of a better word) while we wait even longer for a referral.

Wait for the Lord; Be strong, and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord. ~Psalm 27:14

I pull up this verse and am immediately drawn to the strong and let your heart take courage. Let MY HEART take courage. Courage isn't a word I would have used to explain what is needed to be in our position, our wait. Yet, it is.

So tonight I pray that the Lord would give me courage, knowing He placed this desire on our hearts, my heart, for a reason, for His glory. And while we cannot understand His timing, that He would give us strength knowing that it WILL be worth the wait...

Friday, November 8, 2013

Gifty is home...

Our sweet friends, the Baker's have brought their precious girl home. 

Gifty is an orphan NO MORE!

It has been a couple weeks now. No doubt, their family is going thru a lot of transitioning, bonding, adjusting, and so on... I have checked on them a couple times, but want to give them the space and time that is oh so needed right now.

The realization of this has been huge in my life. It has given me the little bit of hope that I need at this time. 

Our home study is getting close to expiring. I need to get it updated. I have reached out to the social worker and got the appropriate paperwork to move forward. Now...I need the "will-power" to put pen to paper and DO it. I would be lying if I said I am motivated to do so. I am lacking some motivation for sure. Motivation to do all the cumbersome paperwork again. Not lack of motivation to adopt. My heart still yearns to desperately Minus1Orphan.

This past weekend was Orphan Sunday. It was EXACTLY one year ago when we officially kicked off the 'Snodgrass Adoption Campaign' to Minus1Orphan.

Knowing an entire year has passed and yet, we wait. We still wait for that referral. A referral to be matched with a child or child(ren) to be a part of our forever family. I want to ask God that notorious question, the giant elephant in the room, the 'WHY?'. But I don't find myself able to actually ask Him that. In my heart, I know His ways are higher and there is a reason....although I may not understand at this moment in time.

Praying God to give us a referral soon. Would you pray with us?

"I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you." -John 14:18

Monday, October 7, 2013

My Facebook post today...

"Lord, why must we wait so long for a referral??? Getting ready to start the process to update our homestudy as it expires annually and we need to keep the info current at all times..."

To which I received some very sweet replies from several friends and one included a Bible verse:

Isaiah 40:31 

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

One friend said, "He's Not Done Yet". While I know that to be true in my head, my heart feels otherwise. Wondering why there are so many orphans out there in this world and our family waits. Waiting for nine months now...just for the referral. The time frame will be compared to being pregnant 2 or 3 times before this process completes itself. If you have ever been pregnant, you do NOT wish it to last longer than what it is. So, for just one moment, try to picture that, if you can. And now you might just ever so slightly begin to see / feel what it is like to be in my shoes.

My prayer has changed recently. While I know His timing to be perfect, I am now praying God would reveal the child(ren) to us soon. To not have us continue to wait. At least not wait too much longer at this stage.

There will be much more waiting to come. I see it first hand in our friends that are in Ghana now. Hoping, praying for their sweet girl to come home soon. We are praying earnestly for them. God make it so. Make this world Minus 1 Orphan. Or 2. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

While I'm Waiting...

I sometimes find it difficult to come up with the right words to say. People ask, 'how is the adoption going?' I wish I had a "better" answer for them than the one I keep saying..."waiting". Waiting for our referral.

Knowing I wanted to update the blog with something, just something showing where we are at currently, I kept thinking of those three words above..."While I'm Waiting". Because that is exactly the season we are in right now. Waiting. So, what does God want us (me) to do while we wait? This song captured my heart tonight.

Click here: "While I'm Waiting"

I'm waiting, I'm waiting on You Lord
And I am hopeful, I'm waiting on You Lord
Though it is painful, but patiently I will wait

And I will move ahead bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience

While I'm waiting I will serve You
While I'm waiting I will worship
While I'm waiting I will not faint
I'll be running the race even while I wait

I'm waiting, I'm waiting on You Lord
And I am peaceful, I'm waiting on You Lord
Though it's not easy no, but faithfully I will wait
Yes, I will wait

And I will move ahead bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience

While I'm waiting I will serve You
While I'm waiting I will worship
While I'm waiting I will not faint
I'll be running the race even while I wait

I will move ahead bold and confident
I'll be taking every step in obedience, yeah

While I'm waiting I will serve You
While I'm waiting I will worship
While I'm waiting I will not faint

And I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting
I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting
I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting on You Lord

I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting
I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting

Monday, August 19, 2013

Something positive...actually, something joyful.

There's a small "crew" of us scattered across the US that is adopting from Ghana, thru Eban Project

We are in a private group on Facebook and that has allowed us to share in one another's lives, somewhat. We can share struggles, ask for prayer, and most recently be filled with JOY together as we watched one of the first families bring home their precious little girl.

Anna is her name. And she is a little piece of Heaven. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

And the most beautiful thing is that she is NO LONGER AN ORPHAN! 

God brought her to her forever family. Who just so happens to live in North Carolina.

While I can't lie and say that it doesn't hurt just a little. Hurt, from wondering why our process is taking so long. From the many questions in my mind. It's not fair for me to mask those very real feelings. Feelings of pain in the unknowing, in the waiting.

But, God has reminded me over and over again that right now there is reason to be JOYFUL. And honestly, in my heart, I know there are always reasons to be joyful. We just get that cloud surrounding us and don't look up to take notice of the many, many reasons God gives us each and every day to give thanks, to be joyful.

So, today, and all week long I have been so filled with JOY for this wonderful family that is now together. 

Thanks be to God...

Monday, July 29, 2013

Still here...

...and still waiting for a referral. 

Wow. We really didn't think it would take this long to get our referral, but indeed it has. 

And when I say long, it's not like years, but months. 7 months actually. Trying not to think too much into it, but it's hard.

With all the things going on in Ghana right now, adoptions have definitely slowed down. And you want to know the truth? It just sucks. No sugar coating in that sentence. Nope, none at all. It sucks for me. It sucks for my family. But, even more, it sucks for those precious orphans who are just "stuck".

They don't have a choice. They really don't even have a voice. 

At times I want to question God. Why would you make these sweet boys and girls wait for a family when there are many wanting to adopt right this very second? Why God? And as I sit in bed typing this right now, I am reminded that He is their Father. While me and Scott want and hope and pray to be the earthly mom and dad to another child(ren) one day from Ghana, our Lord is ALREADY their daddy. The one and only that will never leave nor forsake them. Scott and I will fail as parents over and over again. Our God, he never fails.

So the bigger question to follow is, is there a reason behind the wait? Yes, I believe in my heart there is. While I do not know what that is now. I am merely blind to the bigger picture in front of me and cannot see past my human vision & mind, but (yes, there is a but)... But God can! And I am thankful for that. I am thankful that while I may be sad, may be confused, may even be mad and frustrated at times, God always has a plan.

"We live by faith, not by sight" - 2 Corinthians 5:7

So, while I may sit and wonder...

"To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven."
 -Ecclesiastes 3:1

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Where have I been?

You might be asking yourself that question.

Haven't blogged in a bit.

Why is that?

Well, for the most part there hasn't been anything to "really" blog about. I mean, we are totally in a waiting game (if you want to call it that) right now. So, it's hard to post things when we are still just 'here'.

Truth be told, there is a little more to this waiting period we are in currently. While part of me didn't really want to blog about it, I know THIS too is part of our journey and so here it is...

Here is a note from our US coordinator that came out about a month ago:

"Someone on the big Ghana list (fyi: this is a Facebook group for people adopting from Ghana) just posted this notice from the State Department regarding adoptions in Ghana. It appears that possibly the Embassy is going to respect the letter from the minister--the one that puts a hold on all Ghana adoptions until further notice. If this is the case, it is unlikely that they will process cases that go to court AFTER the date the letter was sent out. I feared this might happen. Please continue to pray that the question of legality is brought to the attention of the U.S. Embassy--the fact that several officials in Ghana don't believe the minister can legally put a halt on adoptions. Pray that cases may proceed to visa processing even if they go to court after the letter was sent. There ARE SW Directors ready and willing to continue adoption cases in their regions."

This is NOT news you want to hear when you are adopting.

Why is this happening? The new minister must have heard news of some corruption going on within the adoption system. By ceasing adoptions, she wants to take time to review processes/procedures in place. 

I am not sure if you were aware of this, but Ghana is NOT like the US. Nothing is fast, nothing is easy. To do something like this could and would take years...just because of the pure nature of things. It is sad that corruption exists with adoptions, but it does. We are human and where there are humans, there is sin, which ultimately means corruption. I cannot speak for all the organizations out there assisting with adoptions, I can only speak to the heart of the agency we are working with ...and, quite honestly, it doesn't get any better. We are extremely thankful for the high ethics and standards they keep themselves to. And it is evident time and time again as we hear wonderful, encouraging words from other families that have been there and witnessed this first hand! God is doing a great work thru the wonderful people that work on the Eban Project!

We were told prior to starting this process to be prepared for set backs, bumps in the road, delays, etc. THEY were RIGHT!

Our organization is taking a careful approach to this news. They do not want to give out referrals at this time just in case this could become law and adoptions were to cease in Ghana. While I respect their decision, it is still hard. They do not want someone to have a referral and literally possibly wait years and years to bring that child home, or never. Never? I know, I hate to even write that word, but it is always a real possibility with adoption. Any adoption. Until it is final, nothing is final.

So, what now?

We wait. We wait on the Lord who ultimately we want directing our steps.

We wait some more. We wait on the child or children that will come to our forever family...because it will happen. Just maybe not the way we pictured it would be or originally thought it should look like.

And we pray. We pray that God would open doors and these children, these orphans, and they would be welcomed into families all around this world that are trying to adopt. Yes, including us. But we are not alone. 

Lord, hear our prayer...

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,

and he will make straight your paths.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Minus1Orphan...Dinner/Silent Auction Benefit

In awe...

...that is what sums up my feelings after last weekend's benefit.

The thought started many months ago...a lunch date between me and Joan Toppen. Joan had graciously offered to help us in our pursuit to raise funds for our adoption. She suggested a dinner and silent auction. Months of conversations and planning...the thought came to fruition.

Lots of ideas and discussions. Lots of brain storming and reaching out to others for suggestions as well as donations and help. Yes, a LOT of hard work! While in the midst of trying to figure things out, my sweet friend Penni offered to help me out of the blue. Penni is an extremely creative woman. God has given her a gift to use her hands to decorate and make things. She said she would take care of decorating the tables for us. And, in actuality, she did way more than that. She got us additional tables from another church to borrow and assisted with ALL of the decorating the night before the event. In addition to Penni, Jade, Laura, Jen, Joan, Dan, Dana, Kayci & Doug also assisted with the decorating &/or clean up. AND...we had 5 awesome young adults from our church body that volunteered the entire evening as well. What a HUGE help they were...Katie, Justin, Jordan, Andrew & Andrew. We could not have pulled things off with out them!

The evening began @ 6pm with the silent auction review. At 6:30, our awesome MC, Jason Scott, had everyone seated and the first video played. It was a video created by my dearest friend, Jen Tiller. The video was based on facts on orphan awareness as a whole in addition to Ghana. Audio Adrenaline's song, "Kings & Queens" played in the background. It was superb! Dinner began and then the final part of the evening began...

Kim McGhee shared a video with pictures on the "Faces of Ghana" and shared about her missions in the area. It was awesome to hear her speak. Her love for the land and the people was so evident as I watched her speak. And, it was beautiful to see others hear and understand just a little bit more about Ghana as a whole.

Afterwards, Holly Scott shared briefly about being adopted and the love she has always felt by her she was always told about Christ's love and the importance of Him being center in our lives. Her husband, also the MC, Jason then spoke. Some about being married to a woman who was adopted, but more importantly, took some time to share the Gospel with others. How as Christians we are ALL adopted as sons & daughters in God's family. He painted a beautiful picture. It was our hearts all along that someone in the audience would be touched in a new way. Maybe to adoption, but also maybe just open their hearts to Christ and the call that all of us have in our lives. It is different for each one of us, but important nonetheless to seek what it is God has us on this Earth to do during our very short time here...(a big, big thanks to Jason for ensuring our night was smooth from start to finish!).

Our adoption video was played and then we spoke...

Snodgrass Adoption Video

...correction, Scott spoke. I am so not one to speak in public. It made my heart race just to walk in front of everyone there (which was a little over 100 people). Scott was heartfelt as he expressed our thanks to so many people who helped us make the night a success. 

The silent auction ended & items given out. Words cannot express our gratitude to SO many friends who donated items/services for the event.

If not for Joan, this night would have not happened. She is a wonderful woman with a BIG heart that I have been blessed to become friends with ...thanks to God's provision.

Yes, I am still in awe. God has been so good to us and we are so very grateful...

Sunday, April 14, 2013

1st Garage Sale = Success!!!

Ephesians 3:20-21
English Standard Version (ESV)
20 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

This verse has been ringing over and over again in my head today. Actually, starting yesterday.

I asked around when looking for ways to fund raise for the adoption and a garage sale seemed like a "no-brainer". No out of pocket cost, just a little sweat, right???


More like a LOT of sweat! ;)

Many, many families donated tons of items to us. Items they could have donated elsewhere or even sold, but they opted to give them to us just for this particular sale. If you came over, you would think my basement looked like an episode from hoarders. There was SO much "stuff". But...what may be one person's junk, is another person's treasure, right? At least that's how the saying goes. And honestly, that saying is quite true.

Several friends from my Lot Family graciously offered to help me sort and price items ahead of time. Thank goodness. I was completely overwhelmed looking at everything and didn't even know how to begin. Anne, Amanda, Liz, Amy, Megan, Dana, Jade, Becky, my cousin Georgia and another Amanda were so helpful. A few came back for another round and/or the day of the sale to help. I could NOT have done it with out them! Not to mention Carla that showed up the day of the sale to shop and ended up staying to help clean up! Oh, and Jamie did the same too! God has surely blessed us with some wonderful, loving friends who have hearts to serve others. We are incredibly thankful.

The morning of the sale, it was booming. People coming left and right. The garage started to thin out - you could actually see under the tables. LOL! It was crazy packed in there! We had tables everywhere - in garage, driveway, the yard.

I had no idea what to expect. It was my first garage sale. But, I am extremely happy to report that the Lord blessed us abundantly.

I can get caught up thinking of how things will work out, if they will work out. My God is able. He shows me over and over again. Lord, forgive me for my doubts, but most importantly, thank you for constant reminders in my life.
Onward bound to Minus1Orphan!

Sunday, March 24, 2013


...for a new friend I have found through our journey of adoption.

Mary, who happens to also live in the St. Louis area, is adopting from Ghana! In fact, she is adopting through the same organization we are! There are only about a dozen of us adopting through this specific organization at present. Many are spread throughout the US, but I have been blessed to have another family so close!

Me, Adeline & Graham had a playdate with her and her little girl (who happens to be very close to the same age as Addy) a few weeks ago.

To sum it up in one word??? Refreshing.

Refreshing to meet someone on the very same journey we are on in this life. Refreshing to be able to sit and chat with her like old friends. Refreshing to have the opportunity to ask her questions. Refreshing that we will have children from the same area that will be able to be around one another from time to time and build more of a "community". Refreshing that she is just a bit ahead of the process and I have so much to learn from her. Refreshing that she is a Christian and prays for our adoptions, for the orphans. Simply, refreshing.

And, this week we found out that Mary has a court date in Ghana so she is traveling there April 1st. This is so very exciting. I am so happy she will finally be able to meet her little girl.

And while my heart is trying to remainn patient for God's perfect plan for our family, today my heart is smiling for my new friend.

It's a beautiful thing to see the blessings God gives you along the way.

And to end with a very sweet post Mary put on our Facebook group...(the feeling is mutual):
"Just wanted to say thank you Anita Foster Gillispie for creating this group. Without it, Georgia Damalas Snodgrass and I might not have realized how close we live to each other. We were able to get our girls together for a playdate today :) So thankful to have met you Georgia!"

Monday, March 11, 2013


Yes, you see that correctly. 

It is a "sad" face.

I cannot go into details at the moment, but received some news today.

A little discouraging.

That we could wait even longer for a referral.

I know God has a plan.

I know His ways are higher.

Lord, help me to rest in your promises.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

We got our Form I600A approval...

It is a good day. Who am I kidding? It is a great day! 

Specifically, this past Wednesday, February 27th. 

The larger than normal, manilla envelope came in the daily mail. I noticed it had Scott's name on the address. I wasn't sure what it was, but when I opened it, I quickly realized it was from Homeland Security. 

My stomach dropped for a moment. Sure, you know you are "ok" and "should" be considered able to adopt, but you just never know. I mean, our form got rejected once already for what we thought was rather minor, so it could happen again. We prayed it would not. I asked God on more than one occasion to take the burden from me, to calm my anxious heart.

And He did. When I needed it. When my mind started to wander in that direction, I would immediately remind myself that it is all in God's hands and He wants what is best for our family. And just like only God can do, my heart would calm.

In the interim, I found myself struggling with the waiting, although I know there will be much more waiting in our future.

I am part of a wonderful group on Facebook for only us families using the same organization in Ghana to adopt from (I believe there are about a dozen of us). It is so comforting to me. I recently made the following post: 

Hi everyone. Waiting is hard, that I think all of us have felt on one level or another. Just been feeling a bit disconnected with the 'waiting' part & it's not like we've been been waiting "that" long. Completed our homestudy in, trying to patiently wait for God to reveal His perfect plan/child to be for our family. So love the posts/ feeling of community with this group though.

The encouragement and support from the families is something I don't take for granted. They know FIRST hand what it is like to be in my shoes. Many of them are also in various forms of waiting in their adoption process. It is good to share. 

Shuffling quickly thru the pages inside the manilla envelope. There it was, in black print, nothing fancy, but fancy indeed..."it has been determined that you are able to furnish proper care to orphan(s)". Praise the Lord. The knot in my stomach turned into complete JOY. My face could not hide the JOY. My words could not hold back the JOY

It just felt like a stone had turned.

I think I told my husband 10 times how happy I was that night. Of course, I had to put a shout out on Facebook as well. This JOY, you don't want to keep to yourself.

I sent an email to our wonderful facilitator here in the states to inform her of the good news. AND to let her know that it is "official" as "official" as can be anyway. She emailed us back:

"Woo hoo!  GREAT NEWS!!!!  Very happy for you!  I am *SO* hoping we have a referral for you soon.  It will be a happy day!"

To some, it may not seem like much. To us, it puts us one step closer to Minus1Orphan.

Friday, February 8, 2013

A little set back...

It happens, we've been told to prepare for it with adoption. There can and will be many set backs, hiccups, you name it.


You really are never, "really" ready for them.


They totally frustrate you when they do.

Yes, that's how I feel right now.

A little better than two days ago when we received the letter back from USCIS stating they rejected our home study application on two reasons (just ask my husband, I was not good company that evening when we picked up our mail). :(

1) Out of the 15+ pages of the home study, it states Scott & Georgia Snodgrass in just about every paragraph (and almost every sentence). Describing our childhood, the way we discipline our children now, the things we are doing to educate ourselves thru the adoption process, you name it. But...on the 2nd to the last page, the very last sentence, it only said "Georgia Snodgrass" instead of "Scott and Georgia" and therefore, they rejected it.

2) I have to include a signed Personal Statement. Something I honestly had NO idea was something that needed to be completed or I would have done so from the beginning. Ugh!

Thankfully, our social worker is already on top of getting an adendum completed and sent out on the home study and I am working on my Personal Statement this weekend!

Fingers crossed, we will get the corrected docs sent out sometime next week. Well within the time frame of mid-March.

Prayers for all to go 'ok' this go-round with USCIS.

Friday, February 1, 2013

I have a feeling...

...we will be asked many a time "where are you guys at in the adoption process?" and remain where we are right now.


It's not the easiest of places to be, but it is where God has us now. Today.

Waiting for a referral, that is.

Who knows how long we will be here, but here we are.

Our family has been thru a rather large transition recently with me leaving my full time position at The Mutual Fund Store and now working part time for We Love St. Charles, allowing me more time at home with our children. I am so thankful for this time the Lord has given us, this transition. It is allowing me an opportunity to pour into Adeline & Graham right now as well as prepare us for the next stage in our process which is bringing home another child in the future.

I am 'ok' right now. The transition has been rather consuming, in a good way, actually. I am also fairly certain I won't always be so 'ok' with the waiting. But, I want to be joyful today and remind myself that God has a plan (Jeremiah 29:11), that all things work together for good (Romans 8:28), that I should continue to put my requests to God (Philippians 4:10), and that I should always give thanks (Psalms 136:1) for He IS good.

In the meantime, we continue to prepare for a couple upcoming events to raise funds for the adoption. This part makes me smile from the inside out. The perfect place for me to focus some of my attention to throughout this "waiting"...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


…that our Form I600A was received.

To me, that’s another step in the right direction. It’s not much, but it’s something.

Presently, finalizing things during my last week at work with The Mutual Fund Store. There are several factors leading up to this decision and one being the adoption. Scott and I know how important it will be for our child(ren) to attach to us once they are adopted. Both of us working full time didn’t make sense. Plus, the fact that we have 2 little ones at home right now. Praise God, I will get the chance to spend more “quality” time with them. And praise God that He is putting us in a position now to prepare for the little one(s) to come…

The wait is finally over. Well, for this part of our journey and in approximately 2 days & 4 hours, that is. J

There is much to be grateful for and today, I am resting in His grace with a grateful heart. For a husband who desires to have me home more with our children. For a husband who is constant in prayer for his family. For a husband who is standing beside me throughout this entire process, throughout each and every day. For a husband who is excited and getting more and more passionate about Ghana…every…single…day.

Oh, and I recently ordered a couple books on Amazon so we could start learning more as a family. Anxious to dive in!

In the meantime, I know it is all in His perfect timing. Praying I will find peace and continue to have a thankful heart even through the ‘wait’ so our family, so I, can have time to prepare and educate myself to be a good….actually, scratch that. So I can be a God-loving mommy to all my children.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Form I600A filed...

Along with a check for $890.00. Ouch. Fees, fees, and more fees.

We just completed our homestudy last month and honestly, I thought it was a 'waiting time'. But to no avail, there is always another piece to the puzzle that we learn as we go along. Form I600A which needs to be filed with USCIS - basically, notifying homeland security of our intentions of adoption in Ghana and another set of fingerprints.

As I write this, I think we are truly now in the 'only waiting' time, but I cannot say for certain. There are many, many steps with the adoption process. It's a bit exciting and a bit hectic all at once. When I say waiting, I mean waiting for a referral for a child(ren).

It truly is in God's hands now as there is nothing more we can do at this time. We have been diligent in doing the necessary paperwork thus far, acquiring some funds and now we wait. Of course, there are more funds to acquire. We do have a couple fires burning in that area with an upcoming massive garage sale, a fund raising dinner and a friend who is a photographer plans to do a charity photo shoot later this year sometime. All I am excited about. I feel confident that the Lord will continue to provide.

The dinner is being hosted by a co-worker of mine, Joan. I love to chat with her about the adoption. She is so inquisitive and excited for our family. Recently, she started sponsoring a little boy in Ghana through Compassion. A wonderful organization! So now we also share a connection to Ghana. We, too, sponsor a child in Ghana through Compassion. Crazy how that all worked out ~ we began sponsoring him before we fully commited to the adoption process and at that time had NO idea Ghana was the area God was calling us to adopt. Yes, He really does work in mysterious ways. :)


I sit.

I type.

I wonder.

Is our little one already born and living half way across the world? What does he/she look like? Are they being loved right now at this very moment? my daily prayer. That they will be loved.

And one day, we will be holding them in our arms ~ loving them even more.

And so...

We wait.

Wait for the Lord;
    be strong, and let your heart take courage;
    wait for the Lord! ~Psalm 27:14