The Snodgrass journey...


This is the Snodgrass' journey of adoption. By God's grace, we step out in faith to "add" to our family and "minus 1" orphan.

Well, it WAS "minus 1" orphan, but now it is "MINUS 2" ORPHANS!!!

"He predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will.” ~Ephesians 1:5

Friday, March 6, 2015

Are we really going to meet our boys next week???

I have been asked a few times..."How are you feeling about meeting the boys next week?"

Truth is, my mind has been somewhat preoccupied with preparing to leave in addition to assisting with The Lights of St. Charles Talent Show that is being held tomorrow for We Love St. Charles.

I suppose that is a good thing, although I am starting to long to sit in the quiet and really "ponder" this upcoming week.

At the gym today.

Headphones in.

Worship music loud.

Asking Jesus to prepare my heart for what is to come.

Yes...what is to come???

I have asked several friends to cover us in a specific prayer...

...that The Lord would unite our hearts even before we meet.



Right now Lord.

Make it so.

We got word this past week from our Power of Attorney with background information on both boys.

It was so good for us to be able to wrap our minds (albeit, a little) around their pasts, how they came to be at the orphanages.

It wasn't easy to hear.

With adoption, there is always trauma.


There is always a loss that had to happen initially.

And while I know in my heart that adoption is also beautiful, I don't want to "sugar-coat" things either.

It truly is beauty from ashes.

My mind is filled with so many emotions, so many questions.

Will F & J "feel" it?

"Feel" the love we already have in our hearts for them.


And just like that my heart begins to explode.

Tears swell up in my eyes.

I didn't expect for my emotions to overload just now.

As I sit here, typing in my dining room, gazing out the window to pause and process these thoughts inside of me.

Feeling the peace that comes with nature, naturally.

I turn to praise and thanksgiving to Jesus for the peace that can so quickly fill me up, almost instantaneously when fear can sweep in.

Because if I am being honest, of course there is fear.

We ARE strangers to these little ones.

It is impossible to know how next week will go, but we are hopeful.

And we are excited, so very excited.

One of my closest friends put the following video together when we began this process years back. This song still touches something very deep inside of me. I pray it will you too...Adoption Video.

LOVE this new bracelet given to me today from another dear friend. SO grateful for the community I get to share with so many wonderful people. SO many supporting us to #minus2orphans.

Please be in prayer with us while we travel...for unification with our boys in Ghana, against illness and for our little ones here being loved on by family as we are gone. 

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