The Snodgrass journey...


This is the Snodgrass' journey of adoption. By God's grace, we step out in faith to "add" to our family and "minus 1" orphan.

Well, it WAS "minus 1" orphan, but now it is "MINUS 2" ORPHANS!!!

"He predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will.” ~Ephesians 1:5

Monday, January 12, 2015

It just got REAL real...

And I can breathe now...

Sending a wire to someone doesn't sound like a very big deal right?

Well, try sending $10,000.00 overseas and then tell me how you feel.

That is what I did this past Friday.

Notepad in hand.

A quick drive to my bank.

And there I was, sitting across the desk from a sweet, blonde haired branch manager asking me, "You sure you want to send these funds? I mean, you feel comfortable sending this to Africa? You hear of scams out there..."

I, knots in my stomach, as well as a little shaky....

"Yes, I am comfortable sending the funds. Well, I mean, it is 10 grand and that makes me a little nervous regardless. The only time I dealt with funds like this was the purchase of a home, so this is just a wee bit (ok, a LOT bit) outside of my comfort zone."

"But, I do know people who know this man (our Power of Attorney /POA) as well as have used him personally. So, while it might be crazy for some, it isn't for me."

She enters all of the information into the system and then asks me to review it.

I do so ever so carefully.

She pushes the button for the 30 minute right of recision and lets me know more than once that I have 30 minutes to stop the wire.

"I get it."

And I leave...trying to take my mind off it, but knowing I could not until I knew the funds had been received. It would take at least one full business day.

I emailed our POA today to check in. He was just about to email me when he got my email.


And in my head I know that THIS is the REAL beginning of things. 

THIS is what tells the directors at the orphanages as well as our POA that we mean business. 

THIS is what gets the ball pushing forward - for REAL.

THIS is what allows the social welfare report to officially begin so our boys can be deemed orphans.

And THIS is what will eventually allow them to come home to us.

And just like that - it just got REAL real.

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