The Snodgrass journey...


This is the Snodgrass' journey of adoption. By God's grace, we step out in faith to "add" to our family and "minus 1" orphan.

Well, it WAS "minus 1" orphan, but now it is "MINUS 2" ORPHANS!!!

"He predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will.” ~Ephesians 1:5

Friday, October 19, 2012


by 3 specific (& amazing friends) this week, that is.

I was able to send out the following email to many friends & family a couple days ago to give them an update of the 'happenings of the Snodgrass adoption'...

After a bit of a hiatus (of sorts) over the summer dealing with some medical issues for our little guy, we are back in the saddle again. Thankful for a God that heals!

As you all know, we are stepping out in faith and growing our family by one.

We wanted to share with all of you a quick update on things:

We found out that Anita (the main contact at AAI-the adoption agency we selected after many interviews back in the Spring) was stepping down to be home more with her children. This meant the Ghana program was being suspended as the Ghana program was really Anita's baby (so to speak).

It was crazy, I was ready to send everything off and something told me to wait...(I call it the Holy Spirit). Winking smile

After a conf. call with Anita (me & Scott), we are now proceeding thru Independent Adoption. It's a bit scray, but we really feel God put Ghana in our hearts for a reason. Anita is going to continue to work with The Ripley Foundation (organization in Ghana that assists orphan care & family preservation). She's doing this on a voluntarily basis because she has a heart for this work and couldn't stop completely - just to a much lessor degree.

So, we are currently doing the homestudy...fingerprints, home visits, etc. My personal goal is to have this completed by end of the year. Once that is complete, we will be put on a list for a referral (which is when they match us with a child). This time varies GREATLY, but truth be told, once the homestudy is completed, it could happen at anytime. Although, we have been warned that wait periods can sometimes take a year+.

As I type this, I am in the process of finalizing a letter that Penni has so graciously worked on for us to send out to all family/friends. I hope to send this out within the next week (God willing). We want to inform them where our hearts are at (as many know, still many do not), where we are at in the process and support - both prayerfully and financially (if they feel lead). 

Then, I plan to send out a massive email about garage sale items which I have already started collecting (thank you so much to several of you for assisting already). So, if you have anything you have been wanting to get rid of or know of anyone else, you know who to donate to this year. :)
Hoping to have a BIG one in Spring and maye a follow up to that in Fall???

Laura has been working on a design for a t-shirt. She has come up with some great ideas (as always). Open-mouth smile

And my dear friend & co-worker, Joan, has generously offerred to provide assistance with a 'bigger' fund raiser...still got work to do on that one... Winking smile

Now, something I am asking of each of you...

November 4th is Orphan Sunday. 3 Sundays from today! We were hoping to get a BIG FB/Email blast out that week.

My plan is:

Each morning I will update my FB page status with a stat about orphans/adoption. I will also email all of you that stat. You will then copy and paste the stat on your FB status for the day. Probably start Wed-Sat (to build up and draw people's attention as to why we have these particular stats on our page) and then on Sunday, the status would be the announcement of our adoption & asking others to follow/support our journey. I am HOPING to have a video completed by that day that we can upload (you can pray that is done).

We have already seen God at work among us. So many of you praying for us. So many of you offerring up your services, your time as well as assisting with information needed, etc. We are humbled. Truly humbled. Thank you so very much.

In the meantime,  check out our blog when you have a chance. We will be adding bits and pieces along the way to capture our journey.

Snodgrass Adoption Blog
Love you all!
~Scott, Georgia, Adeline, Graham & the “MINUS 1” orphan we have yet to bring home… Red heart

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