The Snodgrass journey...


This is the Snodgrass' journey of adoption. By God's grace, we step out in faith to "add" to our family and "minus 1" orphan.

Well, it WAS "minus 1" orphan, but now it is "MINUS 2" ORPHANS!!!

"He predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will.” ~Ephesians 1:5

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

...but God has surely listened and has heard my prayer.

Verse from Psalm 66:19.

It is such a prevalent verse for our tribe today. 

Today, we received the following message from our POA in Ghana:

"Yes, the Lord has heard our prayers. You are now the legal parents of Francis."

Are you jumping up and down and crying tears of joy now?

Well, that was me earlier today when I received this message.

I knew court was today, although I didn't tell anyone.

Truthfully, because I knew of all the many things that can go wrong, so I opted to wait.

Bernard sent me a message very early saying he was at court waiting to be called.

My stomach was in knots, to say the least.

I messaged him back to let him know we were praying the case would be heard soon and that the Lord would grant us favor.

A few hours later, I heard the ding in my phone go off.

It was from Bernard, I knew that ring.

I was nervous to check it at first, but within a minute or so I turned my phone over and read the above message.

And standing there in my kitchen, I got a little weak. 

I leaned back against the cabinets and began to weep.

Tears of joy.

Thanking Jesus for this news.

And I called my husband to inform him that WE WERE LEGALLY FRANCIS' PARENTS NOW.

Adeline heard me and came in the kitchen with a very curious look on her face.

I got to share the wonderful news with her, that she IS Francis' sister!

Her face lit up so brightly, her smile so big and we just hugged as we both screamed words of thanks, words of joy.

Today is a day for rejoicing.

And a day for me trying to take in all this goodness.

There are a couple more hurdles to go before we can bring him home, but TODAY there is one GIANT mountain that is no longer in our way!

What's next you wonder???

We wait for all the necessary paperwork to be processed from the courts which can take weeks (remember, this is Africa). ;)

Then we file our I600 for the Ghanaian government to approve the case (today the region Francis is from declared him ours).

Afterwards, we apply for Visa and Passport to bring our son home.

And all the above for Jojo too. 

Adeline asked why not Jojo too right now and I had to explain that we are still waiting for Jojo's birth's mom death certificate. It is delaying his process, unfortunately. She said, "but I want Jojo too." To which I replied, "We are coming after him as well. It may take a little longer, but he will be coming home to us one day too (hopefully soon)."

Thank you to all of YOU for your wonderful prayers on our behalf. The Lord IS hearing us. Please, continue to pray with us that we might be able to bring our boys home soon!

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