The Snodgrass journey...


This is the Snodgrass' journey of adoption. By God's grace, we step out in faith to "add" to our family and "minus 1" orphan.

Well, it WAS "minus 1" orphan, but now it is "MINUS 2" ORPHANS!!!

"He predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will.” ~Ephesians 1:5

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Out of the mouths of babes...

Water to drink.

Toys to play with.

A school to go to.

A bedroom to share.


And shoes.

And when God rings the door bell and "she" opens the door, her heart will explode because she will be so happy.

.....these were Adeline's exact words in a recent conversation about our child we plan to adopt.

Obviously, Adeline hopes and prays for a sister because she REALLY wants to share a bedroom. Maybe one day she will change her mind there. I know from experience, sharing a bedroom isn't all that fun a lot of the times! ;)

But, to hear her melts this mama's heart.

Daddy, Mommy and Sister are praying without ceasing for God to open the doors, to reveal to us who our child will be, to bring them to our family.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." ~Matthew 11:28

Monday, March 3, 2014

Today, I cried for "Hero"

Who is "Hero"?

There are many words I can use to describe Hero...

A little girl.


An orphan.


An extra 21st chromosome.


A stranger.


A child of God.

I realize that doesn't quite tell you who "Hero" is and why I cried for her today...

There is a website I found quite a while back & have been drawn to ever since: Reece's Rainbow

Their mission:

The mission of Reece’s Rainbow is to advocate and find families for orphans with Down syndrome and other special needs by raising funds for adoption grants and promoting awareness through an online community, media communications, and other events.

I find myself 'pulling' up this website from time to time as my heart is 'pulled' in a million directions seeing the faces of these sweet, little children. ALL orphans in need of a forever family.

One day, only a couple weeks ago, I stumbled across a pic that 'pulled' me closer. I kept looking at her, showed her picture to my husband. I kept the window up on my PC so I could quickly look back when I wanted to. This window stayed up for days.

I don't know why God put this little girl on my heart. A girl I had never met, probably half way around the world from me. But, He did. I pulled up Reece's Rainbow today so I could steal a peek at her again, but she was no where to be found. I didn't see her in the waiting children. I was hopeful she was chosen by a forever family and searched the new commitments, then the home study in progress section, yet still no sign of her.

I couldn't just let it go...

So, I pulled up the contact button and sent an email inquiring about this little girl. To my surprise, the founder of RR actually emailed me back just a little while later...

...she died. 

Her name was "Hero".

And I sit here writing as tears flow once again.

For a beautiful little girl, that never had a family, or a mommy or daddy to hold her and tell her just how beautiful she was. 

My heart is so heavy.

Later, I will smile and be thankful that she is in our Savior's arms and suffer no more. No more will she not feel the love of a father, because she IS with her Father.

But, today, I ache and am burdened for the orphans of this world. For the "Heros" of this world. For Hero, specifically.

I looked up "Hero" in the dictionary and this is what I read: 

'a person, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities'

Hero, you truly are my hero...

Saturday, March 1, 2014

My heart is heavy...

Dear Lord,

My soul is in need of your water for nourishment. My heart is so heavy during this wait. 

Fill me up with your love for it is my desire to praise you while we continue to stay in the hallway.

I beg for the next door to open.

God, if there is a different path you want us on while on this journey, please reveal that to us NOW.

My heart continues to be burdened for the orphans. Why must it take so long for us???

Your Daughter