The Snodgrass journey...


This is the Snodgrass' journey of adoption. By God's grace, we step out in faith to "add" to our family and "minus 1" orphan.

Well, it WAS "minus 1" orphan, but now it is "MINUS 2" ORPHANS!!!

"He predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will.” ~Ephesians 1:5

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


…that our Form I600A was received.

To me, that’s another step in the right direction. It’s not much, but it’s something.

Presently, finalizing things during my last week at work with The Mutual Fund Store. There are several factors leading up to this decision and one being the adoption. Scott and I know how important it will be for our child(ren) to attach to us once they are adopted. Both of us working full time didn’t make sense. Plus, the fact that we have 2 little ones at home right now. Praise God, I will get the chance to spend more “quality” time with them. And praise God that He is putting us in a position now to prepare for the little one(s) to come…

The wait is finally over. Well, for this part of our journey and in approximately 2 days & 4 hours, that is. J

There is much to be grateful for and today, I am resting in His grace with a grateful heart. For a husband who desires to have me home more with our children. For a husband who is constant in prayer for his family. For a husband who is standing beside me throughout this entire process, throughout each and every day. For a husband who is excited and getting more and more passionate about Ghana…every…single…day.

Oh, and I recently ordered a couple books on Amazon so we could start learning more as a family. Anxious to dive in!

In the meantime, I know it is all in His perfect timing. Praying I will find peace and continue to have a thankful heart even through the ‘wait’ so our family, so I, can have time to prepare and educate myself to be a good….actually, scratch that. So I can be a God-loving mommy to all my children.

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